The 5G Security Test Bed is a collaborative endeavor between wireless providers, equipment manufacturers, cybersecurity experts, and academia to demonstrate and validate how 5G security will work, using real 5G networks, by testing and validating 5G security recommendations and use cases from government agencies, standards bodies, wireless operators, and others.

Created by the directive of CTIA and members of its Cybersecurity Working Group, which convenes the world’s leading telecom and tech companies to assess and address the present and future of cybersecurity, the 5G Security Test Bed is the only initiative that uses commercial-grade network equipment and facilities to demonstrate and validate how 5G security standards recommendations will work in practical, real-world conditions.

The 5G Security Test Bed is intended to:

  1. Deliver a collaborative, hands-on approach to security. The 5G Security Test Bed is a unique security initiative that brings stakeholders together and allows product developers to use real networks to test 5G security enhancements.
  2. Enhance 5G security and industry preparedness. By testing security functionality in different scenarios, industry and government can better respond to the evolving 5G landscape, protecting consumers, businesses, and government agencies.
  3. Contribute to government and industry research programs and priorities. Government agencies—including NIST, NCCoE, and the FCC’s CSRIC—can use the Test Bed to review and explore the security use cases they consider most critical to their evolving needs.


5G Security Test Bed Testing Process

Any entity, organization, group, company, researcher, or academic institution interested in providing their expertise in the testing process, investing in facilities and equipment, or testing their own equipment, networks, or hypotheses are encouraged to contact the 5G Security Test Bed.


5G Security Test Bed Members